Words from the pros

As an NHL skating coach I need to trust the gear I use.
With the Marsblade holders I feel confident in not only myself using them, but also all of my players.
Generating more glide & balance within edges, & more speed & pop in stride are just some of the benefits.
Brodie Tutton | NHL Skating Coach
Florida Panthers | Detroit Red Wings
Why the is superior
The core of the Marsblade i2 hockey skate blade holder is Flow Motion Technology®, a patented rocker system that enables a moving pivot point and a dynamic pitch to improve all aspects of your skating.
Moving pivot
Adds another dimension of motion. Allowing for fluid changes in weight distribution for better glide and a more efficient stride.
Dynamic pitch
Increases ankle motion and steel contact with the ice to enable muscles to maximize power to accelerate and skate faster.
Stiff front
Always provides that responsive support for a strong push off. Enabling superior stability and maximum power transfer.
Want even more details?
Deep dive into the mechanics and science of Flow Motion Technology® and the benefits of the Marsblade i2.
Fits all hockey skates
Mounting the Marsblade i2 to your boot of choice is a simple process. Attach them like a standard holder with rivets. Have your local pro shop or team equipment manager fit your i2’s, so you can get out shredding asap!
The i2's have the same hole pattern as Bauers TUUK holders and can easily be fitted to any major hockey skate manufacturer's skate boots - including Bauer, CCM and True.
Change blade in seconds
Keep your edges sharp throughout the game without missing a shift. The patented runner release system of the Marsblade i2 allows you to switch your runners fast and easy.
The Marsblade i2 runner comes with an 11 ft radius and is profiled and sharpened just like a standard skate blade. We suggest you adjust the profile to the profile you have been using on your standard holders. The i2 runner can be sharpened on any sharpening machines on the market.